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Quick-Type, the world's only typing automation tool.


"Quick-Type, the world's only typing automation tool."
runterload.de Editor: Imagine writing 100 times faster ... NOW!
Quick as a fast typist NOW-Type, the world's only typing automation tool. May turn
How to write the same things over and over and over spend? Us to write computer repetitive tasks by an incredible 70% is taken. E-mail signatures, Web forms, standard replies, routine letters ... typing the same old things every day, currently waste HOURS bet's.
Well ... Listen to some GREAT NEWS!
Quick-Type can automate typing for you. Only one keyword for each of the Quick-to text you type as well as all common parts. After writing a keyword in the future, this text will replace ... Every month you really DAY!
Stop typing - Start Living savings! Quick type pleasure out of life when things were made to allow breeding. And no one will use the easiest and most flexible benefits. Here a few features:
- Works with Windows XP and Windows Vista!
- Auto-type text in any application, including any version of Windows are available with ... Word, Internet Explorer, ANYTHING!
- World-premium customer support
- BONUS: Quick-Type ALSO faster to write with leading application supports Hotkeys and drop-down menu! you can free download Quick-Type 1.0.

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